Dig Umbria
The Institute For Mediterranean Archaeology & Saint Anselm College

We're kicking off a new feature today. I asked Adam Savat, a rising senior at Brown to give me a list of songs he's been listening to in the field. With Adam's help, I'm posting the first installment of 'Trench Tunes' a recurring feature where members of the excavation can share their favorite music and we can all expand our horizons a bit. Below are some tracks that Adam chose to share. At the bottom of the page you can find a spotify playlist to follow with all the tracks in one place.
1. Oceans Cold - The Devil Makes Three
"My all time favorite live band. DM3 is a three piece bluegrass group that focuses on uptempo danceable rythms and driving melodies making for electric live performances. This song is the epitome of that energy they capture on stage." -Adam
2. The Valley - The Oh Hellos
3.Down to the River - Brown Bird
"Bown Bird has been one of my absolutely favorite bands for the last several years. A husband/wife duo out of Providence, RI where I go to school, you can feel the city and the coast in many of their songs, mixed with Romanian melodic influences. Sadly, David Lamb, the husband, passed away in 2014 of leukemia, but the music remains. They leave profound poetic lyrics and power driving riffs, like the bassline on this track." -Adam
4. Brothers - Penny and Sparrow
5. Rogue River - Elephant Revival
"This song always surprises me, being composed of nothing but percussion and vocals. When they play this live they're just smashing on the bodies of their instruments, drums, slamming feet on the stage, it's astounding. It's worth noting that the vibrato in the lead singer's voice is completely natural, with no after effects added. I still don't understand how it's even possible but she always kills it." -Adam
6. Burn Them - Greensky
7. Gypsy Melodies - The Snake, the Cross, the Crown
8. The Vowels Pt.2 - Why?
"This choice seems to stick out like a sore thumb if you end up listening to any of the other songs on the list. I've never delved much into the rap scene, but Why? is so strange that I couldn't help but fall in love. Their last album involved picking random followers on the band's Facebook page and writing personalized songs about them based on what could be found online, in a bizzare nod to Willy Wonka mixed with commentary on the accessibilty of social media. The Vowels Pt. 2 is the pinnacle of Why?'s lyricism and rhyhmic prowess." -Adam
9. The Devil's Harp - The Barr Brothers
10. Ain't No Graves - Crooked Still
"There's so many versions of this song, and all of them are worth hearing. But this cover is hands down the most compelling. The constant tension between the earthly cello and arching banjo drives the song along at a breakneck pace, and I never want it to end." -Adam
- 29th August 2016
- Posted in Blog Entries