Podcast 6/7 "Back At It Again"
Podcast Notes
Today marks the first day back in the field for the whole crew since last wednesday. Laura shares the progress in C South. Michael details the happenings in the Lab. We're also joined by two new crew members, Bliss and Joonho, current students from Phillips-Exeter Academy.
- 7th June 2016
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Podcast 6/4 "Darlene's Fury"
Podcast Notes
Today on the podcast we’re joined by Darlene, head of C North. She and Gina continue to move locus 646. Adam digs C South in the afternoon finishing a pass in locus 663, possibly finding another entrance to the vault. Kelsey helps Cally and Prof. Donais XRF (x-ray fluorescence) walls in the Cave. John helps Linda and Angela in the Lab.
- 4th June 2016
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Podcast 6/3 "Rain Delay"
Podcast Notes
Kelsey, Eamon, and Adam join on the podcast. Kelsey gets a visit from "Bob-Cat". Eamon shares how, with some extra help, the Photo Lab has been able to make great progress. Adam brings news from the cataloguing lab and talks about Erica's archeo-botany lecture.
- 1st June 2016
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Podcast 6/1 "Banter"
Podcast Notes
Taylor in Trench A removes locus 133 and finds a coin. Tina from C South begins a pickaxe pass in locus 663. Michael takes out a wall in the cave with Paolo and Kelsey. Keanan photographs a large brazier in the lab. Kristin from C Central takes down locus 662 finding a line of charcoal and a lot of tesserae. Erin in C North digs locus 646 finding a game piece. In Trench F, Kat takes away the top of wall 68, articulating and exposing more cover tiles.
- 1st June 2016
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Podcast 5/31 "The Devil Wall"
Podcast Notes
Today, Adam gets a new locus in trench C South, number 666, “The Devil Wall”. In trench A Kali describes the two coins found while removing locus 98 from 99. Hanna works with Kemeng and Kat washing bones in the lab. Angela, an archaeozoologist from Oxford University helps explain the origin of their finds.
- 31th May 2016
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Podcast 5/30 "Shoe-Tacks"
Podcast Notes
Today on the podcast Michael talks about locus 99 in Trench A and explains what shoe-tacks are. Kelsey and Paolo bring down locus 75 over in the Cavita discovering medieval pottery. Erin finds tesserae in C North and Kate opens up a new locus in trench F. Eamon reveals some of the special objects coming into the Photo Lab and more.
- 30th May 2016
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Podcast 5/26
Podcast Notes
Laura brings down the the lights in the Cavita. Hannah discusses opening shots and plans for the 2016 season in Trench A. With help from Dave, Kate from Trench F removes logs and tufa while repairing the southern bulk-line. Gina from C North finds a dolium and Tina from C South details the progress of the backhoe, wishing aloud it will soon remove the viper infested olive tree. Eamon from the Photo Lab talks about the strong progress being made in categorizing finds.
- 29th August 2016
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